I am grateful for Christmas.
I am grateful for this time that we have to remember our Savior's birth and life.

The other day I showed my nephew his present all wrapped up on FaceTime to get him excited to open it. I was so impressed with what my sister said when I did this. Instead of adding to the hype and saying "yay, Christmas! Presents!", she said "Jack do you remember what we celebrate when we open presents on Christmas?"

My little two-year-old nephew lit up and said "Jesus' birthday!"
He was so proud that he knew the answer and I was so proud of my sister for keeping the holiday centered around Christ, even when little kids get so excited about presents.

It got me thinking about what percentage of my Christmas energy goes into thinking about Jesus Christ and what percentage goes into thinking about gifts, buying gifts, wrapping gifts, etc. It made me realize that I need to do better because one day I want my little kids to know why we celebrate Christmas.
