Christmas Shopping

I love Christmas. It's such a fun time and everyone is generally in a pretty good mood (unless finals end like 4 days before Christmas.....).

That being said, I find Christmas shopping to be one of the most stressful parts of my year. I am horrible at keeping secrets, so the moment I buy something for someone I want to tell them. I get too excited, especially if it;s something I know they'll love!

Thinking of what to get them always is a struggle for me too. There are gift for my parents, Chase, each of our family sibling gift exchanges, and each other. That's a lot of thought that goes into those! And our parents are hard because if they really wanted something, they would already have it!!

As stressful as it is, I know I'll get over it and have fun with it.

After all, it's the most wonderful time of the year!
