Diet Coke on Campus

The following is a quick write which expresses my feelings on the recent change at Brigham Young University which began the serving and sales of caffeinated beverages on campus:

 I am so happy to attend Brigham Young University now that caffeine is readily available. My life would have been greatly enhanced has this policy changed five years ago, but I'll take it. I feel that this policy will make learning on campus more successful as we will finally have the blessed fluids to keep us alive. I have purchased caffeine every day so far since the switch, so I am also increasing sales of the university. I don't know how to fully pit into words how overjoyed I am to see Diet Coke with silver labels all around campus. I no longer have to fill my HydroFlask each morning with several cans of Diet Coke to get me through the day, which saves time and energy. I have always wondered what the world would be like if BYU were sold on campus, and now I no longer have to ponder this great possibility. My dreams have become a reality and I feel as though I am living within my own dream. I will be forever grateful to whoever made this happen for us. I love Diet Coke and BYU and their great joining. It is a great time to be alive, and an even better time to be a student at this university. Lives were changed and smiles were shared over this joyous announcement. 

Enjoying an ice cold can before my wedding
